Money Sense Worksheets
Money Sense()

Money Sense

Money Sense For Google Apps

Money Sense

Money is something we use everyday to buy things we need and want. It is important that we understand how to use it and to use it wisely. One way to be smart with money is by saving. It helps us reach our goals to buy something special or to maybe go on a trip. We can save by putting money in a piggy bank or depositing in a bank account. It is important to save on a regular basis. Spend your money wisely. Make good choices what you spend it on. Do we really need it? Can we find a better price somewhere else? Maybe you can find ways to make extra money. Maybe do extra chores and you will enjoy your purchase even more because you worked for it. Money is a tool that can help us achieve our goals and have a better future. By saving and spending wisely we can have more choices and opportunities. Be responsible and make smart money decisions.

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